Intuitive Business Coaching




Inspiring leaders, changemakers, executives, entrepreneurs &
passionate individuals
to create soul-driven,
fabulously fulfilling lives.


Shelley Hawkins

Inspiring leaders, changemakers,
entrepreneurs &
passionate INdividuals
to Create Soul-Driven,
Fabulously fulfilling Lives.

magical coherence

You’re here to go your own way and

 You’re here to create your own universe, a greater-yet-to-be, and realize you are not alone in the making of a more beautiful world.

This is the core of my philosophy:

at the juncture of science, mysticism, psychology and practical implementation is energy, the genesis from which all things are created and destroyed. It is ancient and modern.
It is decidedly un-woo and unapologetically conscious
as a context for being extraordinary (uniquely you)
as a leader, as a lover, and all things in between.

come thrive

unlimited realms

It takes a passion for freedom to evolve the unlimited realms of who you are.

Beyond the safety of your limitations, the crowd, and into the unknown of what else is possible. But you don’t do business, or any aspect of your life, the way most people do. So why try to confine yourself to such an unforgiving space?

big vision, and powerful action.

see it weave in magical coherence

with those, like you, of great spirit,

To weave our infinity through our humanity

To synthesize the mystical and practical, the supernatural and the physical (its already there) into everyday reality.

Lead and author your life from your deepest and highest aspirations. Where are you going next — in every aspect ~ business/creative expression, relationships, company culture, strategic planning, finances, and health?


Monday Wisdoms


Freedom and evolution need fuel. Receive inspirations on most Mondays, that make you think, lighten you up, and gain revelations for living your life intentionally, playfully, powerfully & creatively.


There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is
as though everything is a               .

"There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a             .


— albert einstein

"You never change things by fighting the existing reality.
 To                something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete."

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. 
To             something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”


— Buckminster Fuller

There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is
as though everything is a               .

“Attention: Infinity is ready to move in to as much of your humanity as you desire. May cause littleness to           .


— Shelley Hawkins, Monday Wisdoms

The environment writes the story of our genes and our DNA is the rich history book of generations untold. Science is just beginning to catch up in its understanding of                   wisdom.”

The environment writes the story of our genes and our DNA is the rich history book of generations untold. Science is just beginning to catch up in its understanding of                wisdom.


— Dr. Joe Dispenza

The new physics provides a modern version of ancient

The new physics provides a modern version of ancient


— Dr. Bruce Lipton

“Get ready! When you work with Shelley, you can’t run away anymore. My experience was like shutting down and rebooting in each call. Totally transforming.”

— Deanna Reed, Owner Arabella Salon

"The work we do together is powerful and has allowed me to truly live. In my drive to achieve, I was constantly pushing happiness, love and true wealth away. It surprised me how fast we moved and the impact on my daily life and business. Shelley has been instrumental in my business thriving through no matter the market conditions. My income has multiplied many times over as well as my confidence in my abilities. I have learned to design my life and I love it. Shelley really cares and listens. She has a way with me that I trust and that is saying something. She continues to be my trusted consultant for that reason.

— April rineheart, realtor

"One of the biggest changes for me is to stop relying on crises to motivate change in my life and instead, begin living my life intentionally. But what I’m most excited about is the peace, the expanding peace. Without even thinking about it, it just is. I’ve been learning about what is really possible for my life, my career, with my partner, and with my daughters."

— Keith Franzen

read the full testimonial

"Now I am living by the power of choice, which is true freedom. I am poised to soar into more of the life I love from a congruent core, a feeling of wholeness that I can continue to evolve from."

Rebecca Young —

read the full testimonial

"Shelley helped me go from being an employee to build my business to reflect my creative nature as well as the analytical nature I'd relied on my whole life. Every aspect of my life has shifted, including my marriage, and I am thriving. I am so grateful for her continued mentorship, guidance, support and love."

— Clare Thibeau

"My life has changed so quickly. I have clarity and focus on what I’m here for and what I’m NOT here for. I structure my business around my purpose, now, instead of my purpose around my business."

 Nancy Retsina —

read the full testimonial

"Nobody does what Shelley does. When it comes to eliminating your limitations and moving into your potential, Shelley’s way is powerful, dependable, accurate and consistently leaves me feeling light, connected to myself and greater possibilities. My life has changed dramatically."

— Tracy Sidell, realtor

"I need the kind of coach that speaks to my mind and my heart with an encouraging rather than a scolding or bust your butt style. Shelley is that for me."

Priscilla Macy —

come thrive

read the full testimonial


Your infinite potentials need fuel. Subscribe and receive Shelley’s Monday Wisdoms every Monday as inspiration that makes you think and gain insights for fuel to live and work intentionally, creatively, powerfully and playfully.

Monday Wisdoms


Free Book!

Bonus: You'll also get immediate access to my new 30-page book, Infinite You! It’s a brief touch on key principals to elevating and aligning your vibration to living life in a deliberately creative style: yours.