"After Your Soul in Business, I no longer needed to chase my significance."

— Natalie McGuire, Web Designer

Priscilla Macy

"You’ve said many things that have stuck with me. I realized there was another way I could move beyond what was hanging me up when you said, “you could be talking through this for weeks or months or years. But if you’re ready, it can be lifted.

It’s not just the way you work with belief and patterns and energy, though. You have a talent for getting straight to the core of what is going on and a talent and style with words and explaining that makes sense and gets through.

With my sensitive nature, I need the kind of coach that speaks to my mind and my heart with an encouraging rather than a scolding or bust your butt style. You are that for me.

Our work together has given air and space for me to move forward in my business and relationship. I saw that I could be free of the inner barriers, beliefs, and the pain rather than continue to tie my energy into working around it. It has allowed the good things, the growth and potential to come.

I am ready for more."


"I need the kind of coach that speaks to my mind and my heart with an encouraging rather than a scolding or bust your butt style. Shelley is that for me."



- David Whyte

“Genius is becoming who you were all         ”


- Rumi

“You dance inside my chest where no one sees you. But I do. And that dance becomes this       ” 


- Steven Pressfield, The War of Art

“Our job in this lifetime is not to shape ourselves into some ideal we             we ought to be. But to find out who we already are and become it.” 
