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Though I’d always had big visions and accomplishments in my life, I found myself stuck and frustrated looking for a way forward. Very quickly, Shelley helped me recognize and shift patterns of thinking that had driven me my whole life. In their place I feel joy, freedom and increasing creativity. I have exciting projects ahead and now I feel excited about what this is bringing out in me.

— Alison Bradley, Retired Olympic Nordic Skiier

Coaching with her is by far the most powerful, hands on, integrative, full immersion work that I’ve ever done. It’s not been easy all the time, but it’s been very powerful and it’s been worth it many times over. No other coach made me feel whole, connecting my head and heart the way my work with Shelley has."

—Michael K., The startup sessions

"There’s no going back now. It’s not like you did something I have to maintain. It’s just done. I feel a zillion times better. Clear, competent, and confident."

—Jennifer wilmoth

read the full testimonial

"Shelley is amazing! She has a way of bringing clarity and understanding to situations I’m not able to see for myself. She continues to guide me in ways that are thought provoking, educational and enlightening and how to consciously use intention to create what I want for myself on this life journey."

— Keli Elledge

I had the words on the page for my future, but they were just another activity to get done. With all that I’ve accomplished, I couldn’t connect with my creative side or give myself permission to make myself as important as others from an authentic level. I kept myself disconnected from what I really felt to cope with the prickliness I felt from others energy, but it was costing me my own ease, vitality, self-trust, and creativity.

There’s no going back now. It’s not like you did something I have to maintain. It’s just done. You have a knowing that I couldn’t comprehend, but was easy for me to trust. I don’t want just anyone working with my energy. I am pretty open AND I’m linear and logical. I couldn’t wrap my intellectual mind around this work. But the knowing part knows—for certain. And I knew for certain this was for me. As we worked, I could feel something moving and shifting much deeper than I could understand with my linear mind.

I am amazed at how much we did, how much changed in me and in my life, in such a short period of time. I had done core energetics for years. We moved in 4 hours what would have taken me years before. I feel a zillion times better. Clear, competent, and confident. 

My intuition is having a heyday. Before I would have challenged whether it was right or wrong. Now I listen and act. I do not process things the way most people do and now I trust that and can communicate to create congruence. It is SO liberating to distinguish my energy and emotions from others. 

I am excited about my goals and aligned with the future I’m creating for myself. I have a greater bandwidth for my life. My calendar in the first quarter looked like a train wreck. Now I live in a gentle demand and my schedule is panning out the way I want it to. 

—Jennifer wilmoth, marriage & family therapist