Gathering Place

The Infinite Yellow Road ~

Have you ever gotten so fixated on a goal, an intention, that it seemed like an end point? An end point that never seemed to arrive? Whatever the intention or goal, it is only one dot on the map of your life. It is always in a larger context of everything you are creating at the same time.

There is something in our psyche that when it sees an ending, can and will slow us down—even to the point of never arriving—in order to protect us from what looks like an end whose time is not yet meant to be. There is a greater picture, context, or potential to be embraced.

But if your psyche knows you see your intention as a stop along the infinite yellow brick road, it seems to cooperate in speeding the arrival of your intention into fruition. In the imminent-not-yet-time-to end, you may fall into a hazy sleep with your intention, holding on tight like Dorothy in the field of flowers in the Wizard of Oz, weary from the effort of it all to find home. 

Until you awaken to the fact that “home”–your intention—is not an endpoint, but a an expansion point,…and there really is no place like it.

In this frequency, your intention can take on the magnetism of feeling inevitable because it’s an energetic gathering point along an infinite road of creations and versions of yourself. 

Friends of mine are ultra-distance runners in races 50-100k. Imagine the usual 26k marathon being simply a stop along the way! I’m more of a sprinter, so distances like that leave me in awe. You would need to teach and train your body to relax into the run while keeping an extraordinary pace. The euphoria must be amazing. Imagine that feeling of pace and flow-state at whatever speed in your daily life?

“I don’t know where to go from here,” said a client the other day. She was so excited, almost to silence, of a huge intention that had materialized in her life. She hardly knew what to do with it, how to take it all in.

Perfect. A gathering place. Home. An expansion point where she synthesizes and navigates. Because there is soooo much more life to come and craft and receive and experience. 

The infinite yellow brick road. There’s no place like it.

Here’s to more of you in the world ❤️


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