Infinite You could as easily be titled, How to Evolve. It’s a brief touch on key principals to elevating and aligning your vibration to living life in a deliberately creative style. Yours.

If you’re a seasoned traveler, you’ll find nuggets that expand you. If you’re brand new, there’s a lot here to internalize as your foundation while you carry-on in this radical adventure called life on earth.

Life is a constantly expanding science with evidence of what works, theories and experiments. And, life is an art. But this is not paint-by-number, it is full on improv. Improvisation in collaboration with the infinity in which you live, move and breathe.

You have so much power and it deserves to be shaped and sent on adventures by your desires, liberation, and fulfillment in creation after creation of you becoming more and more and more of you.

Here’s to more of you in the world ❤️,

P.S. Drop me a line in the contact section with what lights you up from Infinite You, what you gain, and love, and your questions. They could be included in updated versions.

Your Invitation Is Here...

"Shelley's writings have a depth and a life-force from which to contemplate my own life. They have made an extraordinary difference in how I move through life."

— Paul Sunderlund, Ski Instructor